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  • Hey sunbeamer... I'm fine. I was busy with work and then visted Disney World with my wife. I'm back now. :)
    :reddy: Is that one better? It makes me think of that fabulous saying "I'm going to paint your barn door red". lol
    I think if I use the treadmill... she will be ok with it. If it just sits there (like her inversion table), then I suppose she might be annoyed with it.

    The treadmill desk is built. I'll try to take some pictures this week. I probably won't have a chance to do it today.
    I will post pics. I plan to work on it tomorrow some. Maybe pick up some wood tonight after work. I'm not good at building finished looking projects... but I can usually build functional stuff. So we'll see. May not be beautiful, but if it helps me live longer, so be it.
    Tutz has really taken over your visitor board here. So I thought I would add a quick little "hello"! :peace:
    fffflooooooooooby! :boogy::boogy:has the swelling gone down? the pain better?
    i am tired of the heat and not loving Mondays but OK. they are going to spray my neighborhood with insecticide tonight because of West Nile between 7pm and midnight. we are being told close our windows, stay indoors, turn off central air and keep our pets inside. my kitties are indoor cats but i worry about the wild rabbit who visits all of the time. I will have to triple wash my garden veggies. Long Island tests for west Nile and they found it all over in ponds so i guess i am OK with the spray. the virus can be fatal... just don't like the concept.
    a big hug for you flooby.:hug: my doctor told me to take 4 Advil when i had pain from shoulder injury. would that help?
    Flooby, I used to get a big lump in my index finger, my doctor told me it was a bone cyst and that it would go away.
    hope that's what this is...how can you have a finger boo boo and enter all of the August giveaways???
    WORKMANS COMP! WE NEED WORKMAN'S COMP HERE! you can't do your job and enter freebie giveaways with a finger boo boo!?!
    ok, if your flooby bubble gummy skin and flippers/wings/ are pink, why wouldn't
    your hair be pink too? :teeth:
    i think i like a pink haired flooby. of course you are the only flooby i know.....
    but people EAT sushi! :rofl: :rofl: :wink: :blushing:
    but maybe that's the point of flooby sax
    Hi sunbeam :teeth:

    Thanks for posting on my wall - I'm hardly here. :noidea:

    I know what you mean about it not being fun here anymore :yesnod: I don't even give it a chance anymore :nonod:

    :rofl: See you on the otherside :wave:
    Hi sweetie< doing good. Still adjusting to my new place. I need a serious vacation!!!:):boogy:
    "fish dropping by to say hello.....this is just too easy. hope you are having a good week. "
    flooby you made my day... this week is not so good and you made me smile, soooooooooooooo thanks for pooping on me! flooby poop is ok when i am stressed :rofl:
    Flllllloooooooooooobbbbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyy power!!!:yesnod::wavey:
    Happy Easter to you too my lil pink, wet, slimey, roundy, puffy....ya know you could turn some of that water on yourself instead of always getting me wet for your pleasure...wait that didn't sound right...:blushing:

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