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  • Thanks for the link. That's not the one I was looking at before.
    Does that mean we aren't Grobanites?? :worry:
    BTW I found you on the boards. :proud:
    Oh and I listened to the mp3. :like:
    He's awesome!!! I wish it were a video though, but I'll take what I can get. ;)
    Thanks again!!!
    I sent you a message on MySpace, but you take foooooorrrrreeeevvvvveeeeerrrrr getting on there. :p
    Did you catch Josh Groban on Loveline? I missed it and I am soo bummed. I think to view anything in the archives (other than the 30 second after show) you have to be a member. I'm not paying $50 just to see Josh....even if he is my newest celeb crush....even though he beats out Jeremy Piven anyday. :p
    oops I kinda rambled on. :o
    No running water and no toilets! :eek: Glad you made it out okay. LOL Sure makes you appreciate the li'l things, doesn't it?!
    I'm an acorn small and round
    lying on the cold cold ground
    everybody steps on me
    that is why i'm cracked you se
    i'm a nut
    i'm a nut
    i'm a nut
    You know, since the brain is "cross-wired" so each side controls the opposite side of the body, that means lefties are the only people who are in their right mind.
    I see that you have a secret. :convinced: Is it that you are in love with Josh Groban....oh wait that isnt a secret! LOL Just stopping by to see how you were! Miss ya!
    Hope this message finds you having a fantastic day! Visit spoofee kids soon and let us all know how your kiddos are doing!
    Sharon....I was wondering....you're presence around here has been hit and miss...yet you have 2 green dots?
    I smell a conspiracy. :p:p
    You missed the finale? :faint: Oh you poor over-worked woman...c'mere :hug:
    Hey girl - how are you doing? Are you still a devoted Lost fan? Did you see the finale?
    Hey lady! Thanks for wishing me a Happy Mother's Day! Hope you had a great day too! Have a good week!
    C'mon, girl. You're holding out on us.
    You owe a report on WHICH ice cream cake recipe you used and details of how it turned out.
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