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  • Your boyfriend Josh was just on the Today show! Did you see him??? LOL
    Hope things are better for you and getting closer to being back to normal. That must have been SO devastating and now just one big ole pain in the neck. I feel for ya!
    Take care, Apple
    Lol I've done that plenty of times. End of June???? Amber gets out on the 10th and I was being told by a few out of staters that that was late. 6 months isn't that bad....I suppose. How do you like it there? Things are slow over here. I was hoping Amber woud want to join a swim team this year, but she chose softball and cheerleading. I'm putting her in summer school too. She slacked off the last half of the school year. So, w/ everything she's going to be doing I'll be plenty busy.
    :prey: Just stopped by to let you know I was thinking about you and your family! :love:
    It's going OK. We are a little farther from the school now so I am driving a lot more. I'll be glad when school is out the end of June so I have time to get a little more settled in this place. We'll probably be in the apartment a least six months. How are things with you?
    Just heard what happened to you and your family. So sorry. Hope everyone is safe
    :rofl: I knew you got a free one :doh: That's why I sent you the PM. I heard from another spoofeer and she said that hers was recalled. :prey: Glad you are safe :teeth:

    Senseo One-Cup Coffeemakers Recalled by Philips Consumer Lifestyle Due to Burn Hazard
    WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed.
    Name of Product: Philips Senseo One-Cup Coffeemakers

    Description: This recall involves Senseo one-cup coffeemakers with model numbers HD 7810, HD 7811, HD 7815, HD 7820, HD 7832, and HD 7890. Model numbers are located on the bottom of the coffeemaker. Date codes are printed on the bottom of the coffeemaker. Coffeemakers made in China have date codes 0727 through 0847; coffeemakers made in Poland have date codes 0627 through 0847.
    Weather is crazy! I have to admit, there is something cozy about being snowed in and everything closed. And of course I LOVED it when I was a kid and school was canceled ....although I still had to go to basketball practice!
    I was watching a football game there in Seattle - cant remember who they were playing- before Christmas and the now was pouring!!! I was like, Sharon from Spoofee is there in all that snow!!!!! Do you usually get that much? I was raised in OHio and had lived in New England and upstate New York - if I never see another foot of snow it is quite alright with me. It did start to snow the morning we left Ohio and I said, Whew just in the nick of time to get outta here!!!!
    Hi Sharon! Did you have a good Christmas and New Year? What did Josh get you for Christmas? :wink:
    Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!! :hug: Is Josh stopping by for dinner? ;)
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