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  • Funny you should post. I actually thought about you about a day or so ago. I hope you and the family are doing well. :)
    Loved your post with your receipt. AWESOME!!! But why I am here is to tell you how funny I think your avatar is! :) I know how much you are a JG fan! :lol:
    Funny! Totally different side of the states! But they sure look similar. Guess cuz of the weather. Still totally cool of Josh! He's just such a cutie patootie! Have a super day!
    Is that really Josh Groban with your daughters flat stanley? OMG...now i just love him even more. I really came to ask what part of the states you live in...the pic's reminded me of PA. So glad things are getting better for you!
    I'm glad, too! :hugs: ..And everyone is doing well and you're going to get some great new upgrades! :woot: It's going to be like a brand new house! :) I'm still praying for you guys. :kiss:
    Hi, Sharon..I had been gone when your house caught on fire and just now saw the thread. :sad: I am so sorry this happened to you and your family. It looks like I caught the thread when you are getting ready to move back home. I'm sure there won't be any bumps in the road and I have you in my prayers. :hugs: You guys are going to be fine and pick up where you left off. :kiss:
    :noidea: Is it to early to wish you a super fantastic :birthday::questionmark:
    Josh update-will be on Ellen tomorrow (Friday), though it is a repeat. You may have already seen it the first time.
    Sorry, I don't have all the info to your inquiries! I saw him talking outside with the anchors so maybe he was just promoting something. Don't know if he sang. It is YOUR job to keep up with his schedule, not mine!!!! LOL
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