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  • Merry Christmas and best wishes for you and your family!!!

    I am just 100 miles north of you and sharing the winter weather
    :cheers::santaclaus::kiss: Merry Christmas! thanks for all the hugs! all the best to you and your family!
    Hi rhon,Thanks for your concern, it was just a real bad day for me........
    also wanted to wish you a :santaclaus:Merry Christmas:santaclaus:
    Hope you have a great one :)
    Thank you! I got something for you :blushing:
    oh NYC was alright my parents told me they had about 8in but there are certain parts that was pretty bad. I was in NJ when the snow storm hit... hiding in my bf's house! :lol: but it was bad there too...we had to drive out in that snow to hit the mall...Drive carefully when it snows!
    I saw that outfit at Walmart and could not resist buying it. I am making ornaments for my grandson to give his mommy, aunts and grandma and that side of the family so I thought that was appropriate for him to wear.
    :itsme: I'll have to check out your comments :blushing: I'm glad I crack you up :wink:

    Most my pictures come from emails that I get from all my buddies :teeth:
    hows the weather there right now? It's really starting to feel like winter :sad: i miss summer now! lol i was complaining that it was too hot just a few months ago and now its too cold :yesnod: i think i need to move to somewhere warm... :lol: yup yup.. i will try to stay warm... although have to head out again today to finish up all of my shopping!

    i bet you are just relaxing and waiting for the big day to come right? :)
    :teeth: warmer weather on the count down :cheer2:

    How's work going? Have you encountered any monkey's lately? :pound:
    :wave: Howdy rhon :yo:

    Weekends been nice, Meet some GF's for a drink yesterday then came home had a couple more. Then went with BF to another Bar to meet GF's.

    Today was nice, almost 40 and I got that yard work done that I needed to do.
    I went to the Tanning salon and started tanning for a vacation that i'm taking next month with my BF and another couple.

    Getting ready for my eBay items to end in about an hour :faint:

    I hope your day was nice without getting wet from the rain. :rainme:

    Sounds like the performance was a great :clap: time :teeth:

    Talk to you soon :wave:
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