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  • Dan is a funny guy, and I'm gonna miss d:willy: while shes off to the land of sunshine and to-kill-ya :cheers::cocktail:, but we will survive :)
    that would be sweet, you could live on the cheap and make out like a bandit.....B.C. isnt all that far from me...3-4 hours
    thats not a bad job to have...but in chi-town this time of year with all the weather i can see why you would get stressed....
    It was great and yours? That night I went on the glade fragrance promo and won the $100 amazon gc..I was in shock..was ready to go to sleep but figured what the heck..so glad I didn't go right to sleep! LOL! IT was very nice having the family together along w/ my daughter's inlaws...How was your Christmas?
    I love SciFi, too! We need to have a movie night together! :popcorn: My favorite Twilight zone episode is the one with Telly Savalas and the talking Tina doll! I even ordered the dvd from Amazon with that episode! :lol:
    I watched that marathon, too! :clap: I really like the twilight zone! There is always a marathon that starts on New Years Eve and lasts throughout the day on SciFi! I can't wait! :woot:
    Thanks! :) I really miss this show, you rarely see it anywhere anymore. :sad: I may have to order some dvds! :wink:
    My Christmas was pretty fun... got to play with my bf's cousin's twin boys! they are soooo adorable!! As for new years me and my bf are planning on going to manhattan and hang out there probably going drinking too.. :lol: What about you? What do you have planned for New Years Eve?
    sry for replying 4 days later...but i was away and i came on spoofee first thing after i got home just now! anyways I hope you had a very lovely christmas and still enjoying your holiday!
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