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  • Whoa... I didn't see at first and I thought I was losing it. I'm thinking, "didn't I answer this on?" But, after seeing more responses I scrolled down the page and saw ya. Hi ya, Rhonda!
    uh oh..... I had to a do a search for it. I've never seen the movie :nonod:

    Okay Rhonda, now you have to unscrabble my Movie Title: het ugleae fo oyaarixedtnrr elegetnnm :)

    It stars Sean Connery - He's not James Bond and he's older in this movie but still a hottie!
    :wavey: Hi Rhon! It's been many months since I've been on Spoofee, so I'm real late in replying back. How have you been and how is your summer? Is that thumb of yours all better (you wrote that it was popping in and out)? My foot is still giving me lots of pain. Have you been watching the Olympics? I love watching gymnastics and swimming. Go Michael Phelps! :yesnod: Those athletes are truly amazing.

    Hope you're staying cool in this heat :flame:. I'm indoors today with the AC on since it's crazy hot outside. :peace::teeth::peace:
    :hug: Thanks Rhon :teeth:

    Sorry I didn't come over and check the messages sooner.

    I hope you are doing well, and enjoying this wonderful day of :smow: melting and sunshine :wave:
    :birthday: That's wonderful about your Grandmothers birthday. She shares her birthday with my Mom :party:

    I buy 7 gifts and today is the day that I need to do that. I should also buy gifts for 3 of the girls at work, but that can wait till next month.
    :blushing: I am! I've been with my bf for a little over 2 years and all is well :loving: in-line dancing? How nice! It sounds like fun! Dont know if you have heard but we had a snow storm late last month! and the weather has been chilly ever since. Its not normal I tell you :rant: The cold has come way too early this year! Yea I will be spending it with my family and I will also be going with my bf to his family dinners too so it looks pretty packed as of right now :) BLACK FRIDAY!? YES! :lol: I will be going right after dinner this year with my bf and I have my my shopping list and I'm also gonna help my bf do about 99% of his christmas shopping too! I LOVE LOVE LOVE shopping... :yesnod: Oh I can only imagine all the stuff you have to put up with and deal with (all sorts of customers, especially those ANNOYING ones).

    I hope you will have a fun holiday too with your loved ones! Oh dont worry we will keep in touch unlike last time! I'm so glad you dropped by and said hi :)
    :lol: I only exchange gifts with my Immediate family - not all the cousins.

    I buy for my Nieces and Newphew and my parents only.

    I work Wed; fri and sat of Thanksgiving week - I don't like it either and that's why black fridays suck for me :tape:
    :nonod: I just double wrap the potatoes and bake the hell out of them :teeth:

    My family will exchange gifts over Thanksgiving weekend - that's when everyone is in town :faint2:

    So need to start shopping and get it over with very soon.

    Do you shop blackfriday deals?

    If I do black friday, it's usually just for me :wink:
    Yes, I've been to the Navy pier :teeth:

    I do like your big liquor stores that are really inexpensive :wink:

    I hope you have a great Holiday :smiley:

    My family goes to a Aunt and Uncles house every year. We have a wonderful get together and I will see everyone of my cousins and their kids.
    It's the one time that we all get together and we usually have over 50 people

    I don't do much, but it's tradition that I make the sweet potatoes. I have Thursday off and that's it.


    That's nice that you are going to help :yesnod: I bet it will be delicious! :hungry:
    Hi Honey :teeth:

    My BF and I have both been to chicago many times. Usually we are there for my family events :noidea:

    We were there in March and we always stop at the casino's on the way home :nonod: not with much luck though.

    How did you like the weather yesterday :cheer2: ?
    It's raining here also, and the winds the last few days really were yucky :rofl:

    I hope you have a wonderful birthday next week :birthday: Do you think you will celebrate with your Aunt:questionmark:

    My BF is talking about going to Chicago soon ( or just outside). Maybe going just to hit the Casino's.

    Nothing new here, just taking it day by day :noidea:
    :wave: Hey Rhon :teeth:

    Sorry I haven't been around for about 3 weeks :faint:

    How are things going with you? I hope you've been video taping those dances so I can watch them :yesnod:

    P.S. you busted me on that birthday wish thing :rofl: Did you see the messages that were on the other persons wall? I don't know how I stumbled on it twice on the same day of the year........but I :heart: it!

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