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  • Hey! :) My dad has been in the hospital. :( I missed you lots and I am so proud of you for passing the finals! :kiss: Go on. girl! :marshmallow: :lock:
    Just stoppin by PrettyLady to say hi, I have been having problems with the pc, now I have switched to a Linux version OS -Freespire, so hopefully I'll be back for a while
    That is a really good picture for your avatar :claps: You are a Pretty Lady :teeth:
    Hey girl - thanks for the belated bday wishes! I am glad to hear that you are doing good in school! I took A&P back in the day when I thought I wanted to be a PTA. Ugh! LOL
    The baby is a blast and so is his brother! He only cries if something is wrong - hungry, sleepy or teeth hurt. Big brother was the same way. I've got good boys!
    We are headed south for Thanksgiving for dinner with inlaws. How about you?
    Hey girl - love the new avatar - BEAUTIFUL! Thanks for checking up on me and my crew - we are busier than a one legged man in a butt kicking contest LOL but we are good. The baby is growing fast - has 4 teeth, 3 more coming in, crawling fast, pulling up and cruising along the couch. It wont be long until he is walking -> running! He will be 8 months here in a couple days!
    What about you? How is schoo? How is the fam?
    You're not being a bad friend at all. :28: I'm glad u're still working hard in school and getting good grades! :proud:I'm proud of you and I'll be around whenever you have a chance to get to Spoofee. :hug: I've been doing okay, trying to stay warm, it's sooo cold here and it's not even Winter! :rant: Love ya! :like:
    We won!! We won!! We won!! Omg!! Philiies r world series champs!!! Omg!!! Im on my way to broad street!!! C u there!! Lol go phillies!!!!!!!!
    HEY! So you were probably expecting something gross to pop up, right? LOL
    I deleted out my first pic, because some would have thought it offensive. I have to think of everyone when posting nowadays! Have a great weekend. :)
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