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  • I am glad I could bring a :teeth: to your face! Keep at it girl - it is a short time compared to the rest of your life and YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! :cheer2: So tell me about this new cell phone...has it got all that with some bling bling and
    Hey girl...just me, "Barbara" checking in with you. :teeth: Hun, I passed "busy" 3 months ago....but thankfully it is all over. It was fun - but Thank God it's over! :wink: How about you? How are you? How was your Christmas and New Years? Did :santaclaus: bring you everything you wanted?
    Hi, thanks for stopping by, i'd be doing well if i could get some allure giveaways soon, lol. hows school and life? have a wonderful Christmas.
    Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!! :hug: We can resume your "interviewing" love "Barbara" :rofl:
    doing ok, enjoying the holidays with my family before having neck surgery again. Thanks for asking, Spoofee has such great members it's almost like an extended family.
    There was a weekend? You mean there was a seperation of 24 hours called days and I missed it? lol Girl, busy is an understatment. I am ready for turkey day because we are going away and I will have to do very little.......but relax, but only for a couple days and then right back at it!

    How about you? What are your plans?
    How long are you off for this holiday?
    How is school?
    Am I asking to many questions? LOL
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