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  • Hey! :) Good luck with nursing school, I am so proud of you! :hug: Have a great day and I'll see ya when you get back. :kiss:
    Hi, PL! :) I tried my best with the page and am so glad you like it! :hug: What are you getting into today?
    Hi there! I'm OK. How are you? Yes, to answer your 5/2 post--this is the page I want to get to without having to wait for someone to write to me! (Visitor Messages). I see "View Profile" at the top, but I never saw a place to click to get to this. Oh well. Must go--so tired tonight and still have a load to put in the dryer! Then I'd like to watch "Medium" if I can stay awake (on tape). It's going to be a busy week for me. Lots of mindless errands! More later....bye for now!
    The party went very well. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.
    Hello there, PL!! :wave: How are you doing today? :hug: Yes, I absolutely love SATC & can't wait to see the movie! :love: Have a great day! :flowers:
    I'm just taking otc meds to clear me up here and there. my throat is what's killing me...feels like sandpaper. taking zinc lonzenges to soothe. So how does one pimp out a page? :teeth: Should I turn on some funky music and put on some bling to help me along? LOL my page is quite plain, isn't it? :convinced:
    Hi, PL! :) I want to pimp out my page, but can't quite get it the way I want! LOL Your page is awesome! :claps: How is your day going? :)
    Hi Friends!!!!! I just wnted to say hello to all of u!! I hope everyone is making the most of their weekend!!!
    Hey! All I can say is allergies...allergies...allergies! I think my head's gonna explode! My poor son is having them too. I hardly ever get them seasonally. Think this year must be worse. Other than that, just enjoying the weekend! have a good one!
    Hey PrettyLady :wave: I'm doing good :)
    Hope you have a great weekend!
    Hi, PL! :hug: I saw the new rep "thingies", I guess I have been a good girl! LOL Have a great weekend and I'll meet you in the freebies section! :)
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