Pat 137
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  • Good Morningr Pat, MMMM, not sure about what u mean by viewing ur messages, u mean like what u r looking at right now? "Visitor Messages"? If that's what u mean, I can see all of mine, whenI go to my profile, u know when u log in, an it says you have "new visitor messages", thats how i see it, now if u have a few, more than 1 page, go down to the bottom of the page it'll say "page 1 of 3" or what not. Hope this helps sweetie! I dont mind putting up with ya! Thats what spoofee friends r for!

    Hope ur havin a gr8 day!
    Hey Pat, Jusyt stopping by to say hello, :-)
    And Vem has it correct :-)
    Just click at the top of ur page it says " customize profile" u see it, in the top right corner of the box?

    Hope this helps sweetie!
    Aww no, ur having car problems?:( Well I hope they get better friend

    I'll send ur positive thoughts, Have a gr8 day:teeth:
    :wave: Sorry about the misunderstanding, bummer about what happened & all. :verysad: I'm getting ready to search for some "goodies", hope you left some for me! :rofl: :rofl: Have a great evening! :hug: :rose:
    :wave: Hi, Pat! I'm sorry to hear about your car problems. :verysad: Don't worry, you'll get that unloaded in no time I'm sure! :bigok: Take Care! :hug: :rose:
    Hey, wait. How did you get to be a L9 Deal Hero if you have never been to this area before? HMMM???:convinced:
    :wave:Good Morning, Pat. Thanx for accepting my request to be a friend. I think we have more in common than you know. I too am new-ish to all of this and maybe we can find our way around together. Neither have I ever been to a chat room or all that other stuff before. But this site looks fun and you can't beat a great deal-nevermind something FREE!!! But the number one thing is everyone is so welcoming and friendly. Ya, all you friends of mine know who I am talking about...LOL Apple
    Hello Pat! :wave: You are doing everything just fine! :bigok: So glad to hear that today was much better for you! :rose: I'm feeling much better and thank you for asking! :hug: :kiss: Psssst..... :secret: I've never been in a chat room or anything else like this before either, so you are not alone! :rose: Oh, I saw the message that you left me on my profile page also & to utilize the "smilies" just click on the emoticon that you want when you get to the place you want to put it--sorry I'm not very good at explaining things! :doh: I'm still learning myself! LOL
    Hi, Fox! I hope I'm doing this right. Today was a much better day and all is well. How are you? Just testing the waters here. Never been in a chat room or done Face Book or such. I saw I had a "notification." I have two messages! So, I just click the box in your post and reply? Help! Pat
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