Pat 137
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  • :wave: Hey there, Pat! Sorry that I've been away for a few days, hope you are having an awesome evening! :)
    Thanks for all that info. I don't know anything about the area. I'm in Michigan and just get to NJ maybe once every 2 years to visit family. :)
    He is a little over 9 1/2 mos. old and he is the most adorable thing on the face of the earth!! :angel: :rose: :proud: That's great about your "baby"--kids just make life lighter and brighter, don't they?! :claps: Glad to hear that your mother is doing okay, needless to say it's always very hard when any loved one passes away. And, you are so right about shopping not being on the same list as my family--nothing is! :love: Hope that you and yours have a wonderful weekend & always love hearing from you! :rose: Take Care! :hug:
    I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. My thoughts & prayers are w/ you and yours!

    So glad that you had a good time w/ your friend--every gal needs a "girls day out" now & then! :) I love to shop, just don't get to as much w/ a baby and all--but I am definitely not complaining!! My baby & hubby are the loves of my life!! :love: Always good to hear from you, take care!! :hug: :rose:
    Hi Pat, :o I was reading a message that you had with fox, and I read that you were at Short Hills Mall yesterday. :claps: I've been there, and I have a Brother that lives in Summit. Are you close by that area? :teeth:
    :wave: Hi there, Pat! Just checking up on you, haven't gotten to talk much to ya lately! Are you still shoppin' til you're droppin'? LOL LOL Hope you have a great weekend! :rose:
    Oh, no!!

    I am sending positive thoughts ur way!!!!
    I hope things are not too serious and that she will be fine.

    My weekend is okay, just doing homework, n lookin for freebies:-)
    Ok, I will mark my calendar! :) I think I am going to watch it online, but there is no way in hell I'm missing Greys! :28: LOL
    No, I don't spend every waking hour looking for freebies, I spend every minute! :rofl: J/K I missed Desperate Housewives last night. :( Let me know how it was? :) :hug:
    :wave: Hi Pat! Thanks for the advice regarding my sinus infection. I will have to check into that! :bigok: Not only do I suffer with sinus problems, I also have seasonal allergies! (ugh)! Oh well, things could always be worse! Thanks for stopping by and visiting me, my fellow shopping junkie! LOL LOL
    :wave: I had a wonderful Mother's Day, now if only I could get over my stupid sinus infection! :verysad: Oh well, you don't want to hear about that! LOL LOL So your a shopping junkie like me, huh? LOL
    yeah, lol, Fox does do some great posts, lol
    well try and take it easy today. I hope today will be a better one for ya! C u around
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