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  • Oh, I see how to do this. I have to click on your name on my page and then type my message (your name is now on the top of the page). I wrote a note to MYSELF before. I'm just so lonely! Never blogged or been in a chat room or on my space type place in my life. Now how do you find those cute things like "the wave" (Go Advanced maybe)? I'll try that now--watch, I'll lose my message. Oh well, I can just go back to my own page and write to myself again! :)
    :wave: Hi there, Lyn! :yawn: I am a hopeless night owl! LOL LOL At least this gives me time to sneak in some spoofee while the husband & baby are sleeping! :bigok: Night Owls Rock!!! :claps:
    Hi there slyrn! :wave: Yeah, these days I don't mind the rain at all because it helps cool things off a bit! :claps: I'm soooo glad it's not muggy right now! Thanks for stopping by, always love talking to you! :hug: :rose:
    :wave: Hello there Susanne! :rose: Thanks for stopping on by! :hug: :kiss: You are so sweet saying that--I always knew I liked you!! :bigok: This is a great site with all of the wonderful people and everything! :claps: So glad the weather's nice in New England--we got a bit of a break when it rained last night to cool things off a bit over here, before that it had been so muggy! :verysad: That movie, "Enchanted" is so incredibly good--my hubby and I watched that a couple weeks ago & I think it's one of the best movies I have ever seen in my entire life! :claps: Have a wonderful evening & can't wait to talk to you again! :hug:
    Hello there, sweet little dbee! :hug: :kiss: You mean you came home and didn't wait for me---:verysad: :tongue: Better see you on here tomorrow at the same time I'm online! :28: :rofl: :rofl: Love ya, :love: Foxy
    Hey Foxy, we had thunderstorms today. Great timing, my daughter was moving to a new apartment. Temps have been quite warm but not muggy, yet!
    Hello NYGFOX! So nice to get your message~your posts almost always make me smile which I why I check into Spoofee~for some freebies and some fun!! Today was wonderful here (in MA) actually~nice bright spring sunshine and a bit of a cool breeze...perfect for some spring cleaning (ha ha). I used the free Blockbuster rental from Voila and let my daughter rent Enchanted and she is in her glory! (Love those helpful freebies!!) Hope you had a wonderful day yourself!~Susanne
    :wave: Hey there, Lyn! :hug: :kiss: I am having a really good day & hope that you are too! :bigok:
    Hi there, Superb! :wave: So happy to see you! :hug: :kiss: Right now the weather here is pretty nice, it's 62 out & there's a light cool breeze! :bigok: So much better than last night, it rained pretty hard here! Have a great day! :rose:
    Hi Fox! Are you having nice weather? Springfield is beautiful and sunny.:)
    Enjoy your day...
    :wave: Thanks Apple for visiting me! :hug: So glad you have the next couple of days off & so very happy I made you smile! :rose: You are very sweet! :rose:
    :)Hey, thanx NYGFOX. And a good day to you too. Unfortunately I am off to work soon-can't get EVERYTHING free!-but can enjoy the next two days off. So glad you stopped by to say hi. Made me smile. You are my first visitor!
    :hug: :kiss: Thanks inarobn for accepting my friendship invitation! :bigok: Take Care & Keep in Touch! :hug: :kiss:
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