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  • Good morning Fox! I like your colorful page. Hope you are having a great day!:yo:
    WOW foxy, this color woke me up. I needed ear plug ,it's so loud! :lol: It's raining here and the temp is dropping. At first they said we were going to have snow(boo) but guess not. Have a good day
    Not so great--thought I sold my car yesterday (I got a new Lexus a year ago and haven't yet sold my Camry)--but today, they cancelled! Ugh! I really just want to get stuff out of my life that I don't need. But, it'll work out eventually I guess. Hope your day was better. I was so happy last night, and then--ya know--a bit disappointed! As Scarlett said, "Tomorrow is another day!"
    Hi Fox! Hope your Sunday is going great! I'm having my Bliss party @4. See ya later...
    :rofl: :rofl: You would really have me :confused: :rofl: But that would be hilarious--then I would go mess yours up, wait a minute......... I wouldn't even know how to go about doing that! :rofl: :rofl: :help: :rofl:
    I wish that I could fiddle around in your control panel, you would wonder what the hell happened! :rofl: :rofl: That would be the best joke ever! LOL
    :rofl: :rofl: I did something screwy to mine yesterday and it took me forever to get it back to normal! :doh: I'm not so sure you want me to help you! LOL
    Hi sis! :love: Yeah, you caught me--now I'm just plain ol' confused(can't figure it out! :verysad: LOL LOL
    Hi, Foxy! :hug: I see you have been messing around with your custom profile! :tongue: Stop that you two year old! :rofl:
    Hello there, Apple! :wave: Thanks for stopping by, so nice for you to always do so! :hug: :kiss: You have a great day as well! :rose: :hug:
    Hi there, Mina! :rose: I am enjoying my weekend very much & hope you are having a great one! :hug: :kiss:
    :wave: Hi there, Pat! Don't feel bad, :secret: I'm still learning all of this stuff too! :banghead: I'm testing the waters just like you and you know what I was just starting to catch on to everything before the changes came about! :rofl: :rofl: They musn't do this kind of stuff to the technologically challenged people out there like me! :verysad: :p
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