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  • :yo::hello::hail:I master Teacher, I just wanted to say hi. I hope you are doing well. How is the little guy? I know you don't like this set up , I just wanted to let you know you are not forgotten!!!:yesnod::hugs:
    12-06-2006 and 1-24-07 :rofl:

    Pretty darn close though :smiley:

    49 days :marchmellow:

    Do you remember me when I started? My avatar was Oliver :teeth:
    I got the same message, :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

    I didn't know she was sending you the same message, because she wanted me to tell you the same thing about the anniversary celebrating with you. What anniversary?
    Madonna just tking a break, I will be back before Dec, So we can celebrete or anniversary. I did not fall out with anyone.
    I feel the same way you do about the new format. I have had more trouble with it than I have time for :thefinger: I'm tired of having to spend so much time to get the :hugs: in and half the time I have to click 5 times on a star just to get a rejection.

    I know where the calendar is (:kiss: thanks for you help though) I would like to see it on the community page and not have to check it everyday so I don't miss a birthday. :thefinger: Plus, now when you are on a friends page, you no longer can see their birthday there.

    I'm really starting to hate it here.
    I guess everytime I look, no one is having a birthday. I wish you could see them again on someone's home page :thefinger:
    I am sorry you are not enjoying yourself. :sad:I get on early in the morning then again in the afternoon. I have been MIA also.

    seems like the morale has gotten low.:cry:
    I cousin just want to say hi. :itsme::wave::tongue: I hope all is well with you.
    Just stopping by to say Hello! Getting used to the new format? I don't like it, but I'm doing the best I can. Don't know where those little comments are (I guess from the reps). How do you access those? Used to be "User CP" I think.
    Its alright cousin, she apologized for it. :clap::peace: I did not get offended by it . We are all good!! :love:
    I know, can you believe it? That was such a Butty move. lol I'm glad it made your day better! Poor Rhon though. lol
    :pound::smilielol5:i forgot December has come and gone. I guess we should wait!!!
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