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  • Busy busy busy! Let's see... :rant: I've got a personal essay due tomorrow along with a 10-page case summary report and a presentation to Pizza Hut headquarters. Oh, and somewhere in there is a 16-chapter final marketing exam. :eek: :argh: :frusty: :coffee: :help: and finally :faint:

    But other than that, I'm GREAT! :flowers:
    Aww shucks, Joyce u makin me blush!!! But I seriously and honestly aprreciate it Thanks!!!!
    Hi Joyce, I have to go to nursing school today to do some paperwork, classes satrt at the end of te month. But I will check in later. Hope u have a wonderful day.
    Whoa!!!! look at u, look at u!!! :-) Looking good Mr. Carter!!! lol, i had 2 say it, Joyce this looks awesome!!! It's so vibrant and alive!!! oooh, very pretty!! just stopping by b4 I logged off. You posted some gr8 stuff today, Thanks!!!
    :wave: Hi Joyce, sorry I keep missing you. I hope that you are having a great day. Maybe we'll get together later and play some games. I'm not sure what kind of time I will have, I know that I have to lay off the computer a little bit. It seems to interfere with the rest of my life. :doh:
    Thanks for your advanced prayers! lol Kesler should be long as he is being held by Mama, or Mama is touching him, or Mama is breathing the same air as
    Kadin has been on a plane several times, we just need to keep him occupied so he doesnt go crazy. We are traveling later at night because the price was so good. However, Daddy will be doing the majority of taking care of Kadin on the flight. Pray for him!
    Babies are doing great. Both of them are growing so fast. We are going to see my parents next week and they are elated! Pray for a easy flight!
    You missed me??? Awww...shucks.....:o
    Just doin the Mom thing, wife thing and all the other things. lol
    How about you? Whatcha been doin?
    Good morning Joyce! Back to the grindstone for me, vacation is OVER. But that is okay cause now I can keep up with all the great stuff that u find!! :claps: Hope you have a great day
    :teeth: Hi Joyce, I just wanted to say Hello :wave: , it's been a while since we've chatted. :like: I hope that you and tweaker are having late night fun without me. :verysad: Maybe one night I will be able to hangout late. :yawn:
    HI Joyce!!!!!!!!

    What's new? R u gonna pimp out this page or what? Huh? Huh? Just wanted to tell ya Good Morning/ Good Afternoon! :-)
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