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  • I'll drink to that! :hail::cocktail: Yeah, it's been REALLY rough. Recovery hasn't been easy at all, but we're getting there one day at a time. :ohwell:
    LOL Normally, that's the situation! But he can't drive until May 22 at the earliest. :( He had upper back surgery a month ago, so no driving for him until the doc says so. *crosses fingers for May 22!!* LOL
    Spending the morning with my mom, then hubby and I are going back home to spend some time with his mom. *sigh* I love them both, but I HATE the drive (3 hours).
    I slept WAYY late, so I'm still getting a rough start. LOL So the day is going well for now! How are you doing today? :hug:
    So, I must confess...the first word I actually thought of after "snow" was "balls," but I didn't want anyone to think the wrong thing...:sus:
    I plan on shouting it from the rooftops. ;) So now I'm sitting back watching "Will & Grace" waiting for SATC to come on. The smallest joys in life, y'know? LOL
    Much better now that another semester is done and over with. :woot: :dancing: Just a summer and one more semester to go!
    Have a great weekend and happy mother's day! I remembered to do the Opinion Research this week and scored $4.50! Whoo hoot...gimme my loot!
    Have a Happy Mother's Day and great weekend!:flowers::rose::rose::cocktail:
    :dancing: Good to see you too, sis!! :hug: :kiss: Have I missed out on alot? :worry: Oh well, I'll catch up eventually(I hope) LOL LOL
    :wave: I'm right here sis! :hug: :kiss: Like I was telling you in the pm I sent you, I've had a terrible time with this dang sinus infection! :verysad: :sick: I'm going to try and catch up on as much as I can since the hubby took a half day today! Wish me luck and hope to see you online later! :claps: :love: BTW, I love your page! :bigok:
    yeah, I caught a couple of white perch fish! But I have the best time when I fish, the tranquility, can't beat it.
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