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  • Hi, Ina! :) I wasn't upset about the repost, I was going to bump it after seeing it on another board and after searching for my post, yours came up as well. I just did what I was going to do anyway. I hope you had a great night and hope to see you soon. :wave:
    "You should have your boys play Mommy is the Queen- and have them take orders and wait on you all day.""

    That's a good idea, Ina! :rofl:
    Howdy! I registered you for the Lucky Tote this morning at 10am, but their site is screwy so I don't know if we'll see anything or not!
    I have three boys! :34: Their ages are 14, 12 & 8 and they are so active, it's too hot to go outside so they stay in and I referee all day! LOL
    Thanks for asking, Ina! :) The kids are out of school and I was too tired to do anything on yesterday. :yawn: I hope you have a great day. :wave:
    Hope you are having a great weekend. Things are quiet here. I'm missing the Abba Show in St Pete tonight (gave away our tix that I bought with the sunscreen study $$$)!!! I can't sit for any period of time - I'm still suffering with the back thing. Xrays tomorrow morning...
    Hi Ina - what's news??? Hope we are selected for the next House Party. I destroyed my back so I haven't made it to the post office to mail your goodies!
    ahh...that makes sense! I get so excited, because I always sign my mom up for freebies and she lives in the next neighborhood. When she's out of town, I check their mail...and if I see freebies show up at my house, I practically beat the mailman over to my parents' house to look for more! I haven't gotten much of anything lately...hopefully things will pick up! Have a good one. :)
    Hi again, I wasn't sure if you were on-line so I registered you for the Murad lip gloss contest on Allure this morning. :)
    Hi Ina! Got your message - that so weird about WEDU b/c they never call me. I'm hoping to give them a call today to order at least 1 ticket for me so we can hang out. Hope you and your family are feeling better!
    Happy Mother's Day weekend! Hope you and the family are feeling somewhat better. Hubby had a blow-out on the Howard Frankland bridge in Tampa today goin' 70 mph! Thankfully he and our vehicle escaped undamaged! He's now off to Tampa again (7pm) because his boss just called that he was majorly rear-ended on that same damn bridge and it looks as though the driver that hit him may be dead!!!!! Ken's on his way to give them a ride back here to there home. They didn't get hurt....WOW!
    Hi Ina, Feeling any better? I'm frazzled. Maybe we submitted in time for Allure? Did you get in for the 10am Lucky contest? I tried, but it bounced me out-yet others posted after me said they were getting in. GGGGrrrrr!
    Thank you! I did that, but stopped because I thought we had to host the pics somewhere else. It's not like the old Spoofee albums. :(
    Good morning! Back from the beach and back to the grindstone for me. Ugh. Hope u had a nice weekend. Hopefully our mailboxes will be jam packed today! :wave: Have a great day!
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