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  • How was the hotwheels party? Are you feeling any better? :hugs:

    Yesterday I received a coupon for free Venom Energy but that is it not for me :sad:
    Me sickie and having hotwheels party today, blah. Got the JC penney T-shirts, magazines and a few walmart samples. Also the 11x14 print from Walgreens. Have a great weekend!
    no freebies delivered this week but I did get the Free Olympia Sports Shirt at Olympia Sports In Store that was posted on the freebies page. I chose the pink t-shirt.
    I hope you are sitting down... I got tampon samples from Walmart and a t-shirt today! I am a lucky girl today.

    Congrats on the Hotwheels HP that should be fun. Also Congrats on your cookbook win - hopefully you can use it as a gift. Put it with a couple of potholders or cookie cutters etc. Still freebies for me :sad: this week.
    I have 3 children: a daughter 24 and soon to be son-in-law, a son 22, daughter-in-law and a grandson and a son 19 that has a girlfriend. My daughter has been living on her own for almost a year. My 22 year old is currently in the army. He is getting his discharge later this year. His family will be moving back and live with us until they adjust to civilian life, enroll in school and find jobs. The 19 year old is in his 3rd year of college and lives in the dorms most of the year.

    :sad: I have not received a freebie in weeks. Everyday I go out to the mail box with a happy positive attitude hoping to get something really cool only to find none :ohwell:
    It's weird how when you look back, things look so different.

    I know I think about things from the past and think 'what if' :doh:
    I know that feeling.... I always say 'I can't win for losing'

    post your messages to my page, that way I will get them faster.
    :wave: stopped by to say hello, ................I just saw a post you wrote about searching for someones extra condoms :rofl: New I hope :noidea:
    I found it on photobucket. :)I searched "animated snowman"............I thought it was so cool. :suspicious:I copied the link to the snowman and then had to have choochoo put it on for me. :nonod: I could never load anything animated. If you need help with something, I'm sure that he would be happy to help you.:teeth: It was cool, he put it right on my page for me. :cheer2:
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