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  • Spaz and I spent some quality time together last night. He had complete control on my CPU and pretty soon, I will be launching rockets! :love:
    More annoying what is, per Preco, than Third person speak? Third person speak in language of karate kid, grasshopper, Preco say.
    Since I am unable to correct you in a rep, I must correct youre spelling hear. It's "survay", she did a "survay". :rant:
    An easier time? Well we can't have that, now can we? I know you love a challenge. Consider me gone. *thud* *crash* ....you left your stupid bourbon bottles on my stairs again. *ouch*
    Why on Earth would anyone EVER think you would try tricking them?? I don't get it. You're such a straight laced kind of guy. :thinking:
    Maker's Mark? I don't think so. You must have left it there last time. :yesnod: Next time you "accidentally forget" your bourbon at my house, could you be a dear and fold my laundry? Thanks!
    I missed your birthday? How'd that happen? Well happy birthday! I would've got you something, but the last time you were over you cleaned the joint out. I can't believe you even got the bottle of bourbon I had hidden in the toilet tank. Man, you're good!
    I'm glad you found the effort to put up an avatar. If you are going to drink my beer....please replace it and not w/ that crap you bought last time. Hmph some people!
    Ya know, there is such a thing as shopping from home (with a drink in hand).....try 6pm.com. :wink:
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