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  • I remember! I remember! I rep's you a "You go!" cuz I liked what you had to say. But I don't remember now what the post was. Does it go to the post when you click on the rep? If it doesn't still say maybe it was one of those threads that mysteriously disappears. Please Please don't stop drinking on my account! As a matter of fact...have one for me!
    Be careful what you wish for....he has been spanking his monkey a whole lot lately.
    I'm not married to an English major, I had to go look that up! LOL

    I'm trying to get Choo to come over in his maid outfit to clean the bathrooms....*what happened to the camera smilie?*.....I hear the mods like it 'clean'.....;)

    digriz, I will just put it bluntly, your avatar is disturbing. Hope this message finds you having an outstanding day! :claps::)

    Whiskey??? What is this drink that you are calling whiskey?

    I have two rules of thumb when it comes to drinking:
    1. Bourbon is the only hard liquor that will pass thru my lips
    2. If it is a light beer - I ain't drinking it.

    But to answer your question, I never heard of it.
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