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  • yes. The text sounded as if it was a million times worse! I told him...put clothes on the child at night, either a onsie or shorts that way he cannot get the diaper off :doh:
    Since 911 I refuse to cross over the border. We go to Seneca Allegany. OMG... I am really good at getting a cut of hubby's winnings and donating it back :doh:

    My :baby: sure upset his daddy this morning. This is what daddy texted to me... 'the little hoe made a huge mess all over planet earth, it's bad, he is bad, he is very messy, it's nasty, I think he wanted to piss off his parents'

    Yes, you can post any pics on there. You'll have to check it out and see. The contests aren't mandatory. I just thought it would be fun. If you sign up, look for me. I'm S3rindipitous.
    I hope you hit-it-big in Windsor! We are going next week to our casino for a dinner party and spending the night.

    My day was ok. I am going through paperwork, :ack: I am just getting rid of a lot of it. I am passing along the childrens papers to them as they are old enough to organized their own dam filing system.

    My back is much improved. The pain is lessened to just a constant ache, which I can live with. I return to work on Monday.

    I have posted a few more :baby: pictures and have just one left to download.
    :teeth:Yup...and he is WONDERFUL!!! Thank you for asking.:loving: I just posted pics. :teeth:
    Um.....*looks around*....where are all the new pics at?? That can't be all of them. Did I already ask you if you have a Flickr account?
    Thanks so much! I was induced with my first and it wasn't too bad....we're just excited to meet the little guy!!
    We found out today i'll be induced next Wednesday if I don't go into labor between now and then......EEK!!!! :eek:
    Have a great day! The weather appears to be warming up so I guess I will sit outside and enjoy the sunshine.
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