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  • OK then--and Madonna just wished me a happy hump day also. I get it--like the bell curve! Wed = middle or highest point on the graph. Thanks for explaining it to me.
    Tell him if he can do for half of your quotes that he can have the job... otherwise tell him to hit the road! It's like buying a car from a relative ~ DON"T DO IT!
    What is this hump business. That's the 2nd time I've had it mentioned in my comments column...? At first, I was concerned that it was a pornographic term. Should I be concerned?? Now you're using it. Hmmmm...
    I wanna put pink streaks on the underside of my hair so you can only kinda see it when I have a pony tail, I got long blonde hair...you think 42 is too old to do something like that?
    Ya never know, I have alot of birds that live around my house...I like em being there cause i heard they eat wasps (?) and sometimes I get wasps in the summer outside and it sceers me alot
    naw...my kitties are indoor cats, when I first got them 6 years ago i didnt live in the best neighborhood and lots of teens around and since they were all 3 pure black cats and I have lost a couple of cats growing up to cars I decided to declaw them and protect them forever from the big bad world (cause they are gonna live forever) I feel bad sometimes that they dont go out but they have the best life ever, spoiled rotten lil brats :)
    naw he's a great guy...he used to come in the bar when he would get off work and have a couple of beers before he went home...very nice person...unless it was the alternate mailman!! bastid!!
    no I hadn't...thank you...I am dinging a lil today...very hot here a/c is running constantly and I am sleepy...found a dead baby bird on the railing beside my mailbox and no good mail...that kinda started off my day icky...I wonder what my postman thought...was about a foot from the box (my mailbox is on my house) he may never deliver here again!!!! and that poor baby bird :( I'm sure the heat was probably too much for the poor lil feller
    finally got that warm weather Chi-town in the 90's. Can michigan top that?
    :teeth: Hi

    Yes I am enjoying Summer weather! I am not online as much because I am working part-time and playing with the kids :party:
    it is getting warm. But we are going to Disneyland on wed! woohoo! haven't been there in 7 years. Los Angeles is supposed to be around 78 which is perfect!
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