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  • talkin to madonna a bit and having a screwdriver...pleeeeeeeese tell me after this drink not to type anymore....you know how weird i get when I drink and type.... did you have a good saturday....its actually cool here...last week a heat wave(110 heat index) and this week in the 80's weird weather but nice to give the ac a break!! how the flowers doin in this weird weather flux or are you having one??? I've missed my beeeeee!!! crappy I posted this at my page too.....doh!!!
    oh that mouse is too cite!! ****....too cute....I always say I am drinking but tonight I really am!! where are you!!??
    I did a little bit around the house today, took a nap and deciding on what to do next :dontknow:

    A :cocktail: sounds good but there is nothing here for me to drink :thinking:
    It started out until they found a place of their own. Then hubby and I told them for as long as they want so they can finish their degrees, work, pay off debt, save money and we would be here to help with they :baby: to illiminate babysitter expenses... sooooo I am not sure how long.
    My son pissed me off tonight!

    He told me that they put the :baby: to bed with a bottle. I was sooooo mad only to find out that he lied :shot: that mad me more :mad: that he did that intentionally
    :doh: I posted to my message board :doh:

    I am off until Monday morning. Hubby got his car back yesterday :dance:
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