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  • First, I disagree with what Birdhunter just wrote below this! :rofl:
    Second, I am in the process of deleting PM's to make room, and it is funny how I DON'T want to delete any of yours!!! :cry:
    And third, how freakin geeky was it of us the call each other GB? That one stays in "the vault", dbee, between us!!!
    awwwwww hunny...go get drunk and then blow the hell outta your driveway in the middle of the night...and if your neighbors say andthing point your blower at them and tell em they are next if they don't back off!! Your a drunk woman with a blower and you know how to use it!!!!!!!!!!!
    OK, chiquita! Where we going? Or do just wanna come here and enjoy the beautiful fall colors and seasonal temps? We can go apple picking! Or just sip cocktails all day long! You in????
    I am aggrevated with the :hugs: or should I say the lack of. I give 10 everyday and hardly get any in return :thefinger: not directed towards you :nonod:
    I'm just working 40 hours a week... but with a three year old in soccer and Gymnastics... I pretty much stay busy! What's up with you?
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