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  • Hi d:willy: Yeah, we got slammed, but it wasn't an enjoyable slam, but we did get more than 8 inches:blushing::lol:

    How have you been? :noidea:

    Hope all is well :)
    You're welcome. I've been trying to post them when I find some. Glad to be able to contribute.
    :wavey: Hi sweetie, Most of Chicago's snow has melted. It :rainme: today. Its about 30-40 degrees.:cry:Sorry you are experiencing alot of snow. chicago had their turn now its Michigan. I hope it melts fast like it did in Chicago!!:yesnod::clap: I found my jacket I paid about $40. Not too bad.:nonod: Its reversible. I become late when we get alot of snow. I do alot of route that pick up school kids.:rant: I am usually late when I do the school trips. TEENAGERS!!!:argh: :peace:
    :rofl: I guess you're right. I like shopping at Khols. I have not been there recently. It is a bit of a distance. Speaking of jackets, I have to find a light weight jacket. I saw one for $40. I'm not sure if I want to buy it.:thinking: Has any of the snow melted in Michigan? chicago got another inch Friday and Saturday. Friday the sun came out and melted the snow. I awoke this morning to find snow on my car.:rant: The weather is about 40 degrees.:peace: Have a good weekend.:yesnod:
    :clap: Good Girl!! I have to get some new boots myself. Chicago got 1 inch today. :)
    Strange. The other message must really be gone, I can't even see it to bring it back and I went back into January on your wall. Sorry about that!
    Hi D :willy::wavey: :jaw: Wow!!! Chicagp has alot of rain. It's suppose to snow a little tonight and tomorrow. Don't put your boots up yet!! :pound::yesnod::peace:
    OK, it appears that I accidentally deleted one message from Spice. I have undeleted it and I apologize for the confusion. There was one other message from another member that was deleted, but that was done by the member and not a mod. I have to admit since Spoofee changed the forums, the layout of our mod panel for visitor messages is all jumbled together. Each message used to have something to separate it before but now it is one big blur. I have gone back several days and don't see any other messages, but if you can point out a timeframe I can check into any other deleted messages.

    P.S. If there are 'unapproved' messages showing in your wall, there is a very huge possibility that it is from a spammer. They are hitting the walls about every 20 minutes or so.
    Let me look into the issue. We have had a TON of spammers posting messages on the visitors' walls and I wonder if that has something to do with it.
    Hey dbee, what's going on in your world? Haven't seen you in the odd comments that have nothing to do with anything else thread for a while... Word on the street has it that you started that monster...
    HI Dbee, :hello: We have :rainme:t's been raining all day. I am lazy. :couch2: I wished I could stay indoors all day.:) I hope you have a good weekend!!!:peace::yesnod:
    Just wanted to say Hi. :) I never go over to the Off Topic section so I haven't been in on any of the games in...well in forever! But I wanted to pop in and say hello.
    :wavey::listen:Hi sweetie!!! All is good with me. :) I have Monday off Presidents Day. I am going to try to see the movie" I am number Four. It starts tomorrow. How has yor week been. Most of all the snow has melted. :clap: Has it all melted by you? Chicago has 60 degree weather. I am too scared to take any extra clothes off.:nonod: I don't want the flu. :boogy::peace:
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