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  • Had a good time, I went out with my neighbor and his daughters Trick-or-Treating. The 9 yr old was a Candy Corn Witch, and the 6 yr old went as Strawberry Shortcake.They raked in a pretty good haul.It didn't even rain on us this year. Then my brother and I went to a party for awhile. All in all a good evening.Hope you had a good time as well:) :tee:
    I survived. I didn't win the battle though. Winds were like 40 mph so I felt defeated but did get a handle on things abit. I couldn't even see my driveway but now I realize there was a car there after all!!!!
    How was paint balling????
    Check out the newbie thread. I made a comment about your strange newbies.
    check out the cocktail thread, I thought we should send birdhunter off with a bang!!
    I love my car. I have always owned chevys, but I think I made a great choice when i got the dodge it rides so smooth. My son wanted to drive it and I wouldn't let him lol and hubby is lucky I let him drive it.
    I just want you to know that I am going out to rake leaves so if you never hear from me again, please report to the authorites that they can find me under the mountain of leaves that are too many for me to ever get under control.:cry: And I mean it. WHAAAAA!!!!!
    aaaahhhh.....thanks for the birthday wishes. What is the official age to stop having birthdays?
    Hi Deb, doing much better thank you! Had a rotten couple weeks but after a few days in the hospital they had me all fixed up!! lol you could of read by my feet & legs they were so swollen & bright bright red.....had strep infection in them lol always think of throats only with strep but yes you can get it other places too. Hurts just as much in the legs & feet as it does in the throat if not more. Fine now tho yay had gained 20 pounds of fluid was a blimp would of leaked if you stuck a pin in me. hope things are good with you
    Do you think those pumpkin buns will keep us away from eating so much candy this weekend?
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