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  • yes, I had a lot of fun. It was greater than the 2nd time. they have been having this event for three years. It seems to get better each time. His daughter is 17, she is a beautiful dancer. I enjoyed everything. The event is getting larger so, they will perform at a different plan next year.
    Enough of talking about me, how was your weekend? I think I read you had to work? Sorry, I hope you get some rest.It is getting a little warmer her in chicago. The snow is all but gone. It has been raining.
    Auntie :willy:,
    grandma changed her avatar. I am wearing a red sleeveless romper with Rudolph on the front and my Santa Claus turtleneck.
    :heart: :baby:
    Hi dbee, We are missing each other today, I am off work today . I am going to a play/musical at the Dusable museum. My brother/Friends' family is in it. Evaryone has a part. He plays bass, his wife sings and his daughter is a dancer. Its pretty cool. The play is about Christmas.
    dbee, that video IS amazing. Not only the biker, but the photographer and the music. Unbelievable. Thanks for sharing! :loving:
    How long does it take for your cockatiel to learn new "phrases". We have been trying to teach him new whistles but it seems he may be too young still cuz he has only learned one and that was after about a year.
    It actually pisses her off cuz she used to be the one who fed him and cleaned his cage. I moved him down to my office (where people are at more) and am trying to get him to fly out of his cage on his own.
    Did not know you had a cockatiel also. I rescued mine from a family of all females. He (buddy) won't have a thing to do with my wife. Haha
    How do I get more pics under this heading. It says up to 60 pics but I can only find a download area for 3???
    Hey there, look who's back from the great abyss!! Finally think I can get back into here at a more regular basis. I am going into my "slo season"
    Hi dbee, yes Chicago is still feeling the cold weather here. Its suppose to get 30 degrees this weekend. Don't forget to keep warm.
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