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  • I can't!!!! I swear I spent so much time on this dang thing today trying to find you to hug and i couldn't. Pics posts, rep posts, odd comments posts, NOTHING!!! I can't even get bird who I know I haven't hugged, since he hasn't been here since last Thursday. (And say a prayer for him too!) I am so locked out. I will keep on trying though. Promise!!!
    hey there! hopefully you have already picked out your wardrobe for the weekend coming up in a week?

    omg!! my weekend was terrible! ahhhhhhhhhhhhh it was raining the entire time i was with my bf so we had no choice but to be indoors :Cry:

    how was ur weekend?
    THANKS! i'm glad you are on my team :hug: hopefully i'll go bowling again this weekend and improve on my skills!

    i'm sure you look nice in it..dont worry :nods:

    oh how was that? did you pass out after you tried on the first outfit? :lol:
    :clap:Thats good.:clap: Thanks for the emails they are good. keep them coming> I hope you enjoy some of mine.:lol:I get them from my uncle he is a nut.:yesnod:
    Wow!!!! :jaw:Don't tell me you spent all your money?:cry::rant:I hope you had some fun:boogy:
    Hello! Didn't want you to think I fell off the face of the earth. Have a great week!
    :hug: its okay! the sooner you pick out that perfect outfit the sooner you will get it over with :yesnod: oh by the way i went bowling again yesterday and i bowled a 74 and a 79!!

    hows ur weekend?
    Well just have a little patience Missy, :tsk::toetap05: I understand you are probably starving:hungry: I love Mexican food !!!:yesnod::clap:
    hi sweetie, you are like me. i dont dress up too much my self. chicago got alot of rain today. i am trying to stay dry. chicago will have rain all week. i hope you have a good time on your trip.:yesnod::):lol:
    i feel better now! i'll practice and practice and one of these days i will bowl...70! :lol: jk.

    well spring is coming and you can always get like a dress or something and if its gonna be cold just put on a trench coat or long jacket!

    i know i know lol you HATE shopping but imagine how happy you will be after you get that perfect outfit and show it off to everyone!
    wow, Aren't you a little lady!:clap:I hope you have much fun!!! I take it you like dressing up?
    100% serious,It hit 60 degrees here today, it is the second time this year I have mowed.....My plum tree is in full bloom already.wierd weather this year
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