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  • I am trying to rush the season, sorry! I see a little snow and I want Christmas.

    I have been working crazy hours. When we leave, it will be the end of a 3 month span of working the overnight shift on the weekends and the day shift during the week! I just don't know if I am coming or going anymore. I want my weekends off again. :yawn:

    I have decided that the perfect time to take time off is right before the 4th month starts.

    My hubby and I have decided we need to get away so we are making the rounds to see the baby and then off to his 3 sisters and his parents. We are going to see each of them for a day or two and move along to the next! They are on the gulf side of Florida. I wish we could take another week and see my family ~ they are on the Atlantic side, but that will have to be another get-away.
    I love my "nickname". It fits me just right. And yeah most days, I do talk to her more than 3xs
    how did you know my best friends name? I talk to her at least 3 times a day. What a girl she is, She keeps my sane.........
    Yeah, K-Ma was acting a bit goofy and I loved it. I would like to know what she is up to tomorrow as well. If you and me team up I bet we can make her crack....lol.
    Hey - I just saw what you posted on Butty's page. Just wanted you to know that I am off my icing high now...tee hee
    The important thing is that other people thinks he is older than me....that is all that matters! tee hee! Tomorrow I am.....tee hee....dont you want to be kept in suspense???
    Ok, but I don't drive. Maybe Apple will:teeth:.. Were you a "bad" girl in school, like "forgetting" to go to class?:evil:
    yeah, I could tell by your comments in the games. Life is fun with a little enhancing. You can be road partner any day..
    Actually I am nine months and 1 day older than he is. lol He is saying that because what I want for my b-day is something that I wished I would have done when I was younger....and I want to do it now before I get any older and regret not doing it.....so I am doing it tomorrow.....tee hee
    You scared me. Why did I have to answer so soon and under pressure? I already responded to the game. Can't take this much pressure when I have had a glass of wine, dbee. Scared!!!! Did I answer quick enough??? Phew. LOL Calling it a night here. Sweet dreams, my friend. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
    Oh, I dont know if you saw it- but I do have clothes that I had to put in the dryer and you reminded me of that with your comment! THANKS!!!! :hug:
    lol That is what I said! And then he said that 66 was an average age to live to (I am 33) and I said, "Baby, I plan on being here til at least 90 if not longer!"
    Go to bed! C-U-2morrow!
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