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  • I am insulted! I notice when you are not around :drama:

    We went to the casino :lever: all day Friday, spent the night and were there all day Saturday :svengo:
    We know sooooooo many people there ~ we go to socialize and hang out with some of our friends :yo: :mullet: :girlhi: :hat: :hippie:

    The staff there loves when we go :hail: They give us free meals and free rooms everytime.

    I'm sorry that I have neglected you over the past couple of days :blushing:
    Hubby & I took off a couple days. It was a last minute idea :wink:

    Food, folks & fun! :lever:

    I have some :thefinger: catching up to do with you:

    :thefinger: Friday :thefinger:
    :thefinger: Saturday:thefinger:
    :thefinger: Sunday :thefinger:
    Did you see my post...

    Now you can see anyone's Driver's License on the Internet, including your own!

    I just searched for mine and there it was...picture and all!

    It's unbelievable!!! Just enter your name, city and state to see if yours is on file.


    I will repeat myself Don't piss me off and expect some!

    I am the sex-nazi :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

    I loved it. You make me feel sooooo special.
    :pound: :pound: :pound:

    PS: not today...he is on the naughty list! Don't piss me off and expect some!
    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

    :thefinger: OOPS...

    :thefinger: I'm sorry!

    :thefinger: Thank you for reminding me.

    :thefinger: I can't believe that I forgot.

    :thefinger: I will try not to forget again.

    :thefinger: I'm just getting old.

    :thefinger: It must be Alzheimers starting,

    :thefinger: or maybe just plain old Dementia.

    :thefinger: Either way...

    :thefinger: it sucks getting old.
    Hello to the sweetest little bee I know! Been meanin' to write ya and ask if all this "hugs" business is still just repping, right? Hard to keep track of who I do and I still need to do!! The vacation shot on the cover of your album looks welcoming~we got a foot of new snow here on Monday. It looks beautiful but I am getting anxious for the garden! Stay Wonderful~Susanne
    Thanks for the heads up but the survey is "now Closed". I am just getting in but SO appreciate you thinking of me! That is what makes you priceless!!! Nighty-night, Apple :)
    I have a closet in my laundry room that I have organized all my skinny sizes into totes (one size per tote). Everytime I grow a size, I get rid of the smallest of them :ohwell: I even went as far as sorting my bras and panties into zipper baggies according to size!

    OMG I used to be a neat freak :yikes:

    Oh yeah...you cleaning out the closet reminded me ~ I bought those WonderHangers that you can hang 5 things on and they hang downwards. I am hoping to organize my closet & put a shelf or two in there.

    I have a few drawers & closets that you can clean out for me! They have been on my to-do list for quite some time...along with a millions others things

    :rofl: Next time it will be hoe hoe :rofl::rofl:

    THANK YOU for getting me here :puke: Reputation: 11111

    Looks like a row of doors in a public crapper :toilet:

    :thefinger: you are still number one...oh wait, I have all the 11111's
    I'm number one :thefinger:
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