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  • Are you kidding me? Loser.
    I don't usually see you around here in the afternoon. It is cold and windy today, but at least that dead branch I have been watching hanging high in a tree in my backyard finally fell down. Have a pile of brush I will be burning soon-too cold out to do any more yard work. WAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!
    P.S.-this message has been copied and pasted-from my site where I had it ALMOST posted!!!!
    OK...I have a question about the Cocktail Thread:
    What is 'your' definition of a cocktail? :dontknow:

    Do I have to be :smokin: or have a :cocktail: in my hand... I would rather have a cock in my hand and tell a story :wink: does that allow me to join in the thread?

    :willy: its your thread ~ please advise me.

    :rofl: :pound: :pound: :rofl:
    :doh: OOPS! I'm so sorry! I wasn't thinking :nonod:

    We can call it early morning fog in my brain. :pound:

    I hope this makes you feel better about it :thefinger:

    Hi! I left you a great message last night. Unfortunately, it was on MY page. It was spiteful with a glass of wine in me, and all. Read it this morning and deleted it. You woulda liked it though!!! LOL Have a great one! But first, wait, let me be sure of whose page I am on before I send this! TeHee!!
    Hey hun. I wanted to come by and thank you for inviting me to the fun :) I appreciate it more than you know. It really has made my day.
    I see you....I visit I just forget to post always. I am here snooping around now I think I might go in and play some games :)
    where is my beeeeeeeflowerwiththebigstinger?? you havent written me in years!! (1 1/2 days actually but feels like forEvEr!!)
    Hi, honey!!! I have been in front of this computer for too long now doing my taxes and my head is screaming. I'll be looking for later, though. Maybe you, me and psycho can all have a glass of milk together-since the "spirits" are offensive to so many!!! TeHee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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