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  • Thank you for that, but where do I find out what a house party is and how to participate. Looking for general information, not a particular party.
    When checking your page from my phone it says im viewing visitor message 10 of 1378. Thats my birthdate! How weird!:-O
    I have been Hugging JayJay, LOL, she needs to enable her rep points, right now she has them disabled which makes it appear as if she has none :(
    Oops, sent reply to myself. We'll see if this works right this time.
    I wondered if that showed up right.
    It was supposed to read I n b o x D o l l a r s
    Do you know anything about "************"? It's supposedly a survey site. I've already "won" $5.50 and haven't done anything. Is it legit?
    You NEED to buy a lottery ticket!

    Look what auntie apple did for me...
    40288 point(s) total :woot:
    I am in the 40+ club :lol:
    Hi, honey-Bee. I have been busy with company and that freakin other thing. Still am dealing with it but will surely catch you up when I am not so frustrated with it all. Hope your Easter was just delightful! Thanks for checking up on me! :)
    Hey d :willy: Just wanted to drop by and say Hi. Haven't been able to send ya any :hugs: recently, so heres a :hug: for you :)
    This is what happens in 6 days.....:mad:oona drives :car: to see her :baby:

    :mad:oona will not be on spoofee for 5 long days & nights :bawling:
    unless :mad:oona can take hubbys laptop :thinking:
    BTW D:willy:, Love your snowfall pic. Live in North Idaho now (last 10 years) but grew up in MI and OH. Kinda missed the snow til the last 2 years.
    :hahaha:I am in total agreement with you, but you know how kids at 17 & 21 are. Anything over 30 is old and now that 45 has hit, bald & an almost complete white beard - well, let's just say, they think I could compete with Kris Kringle.
    OMG! :rofl: :rofl: when I saw that I burst out laughing and woke my hubby! I was laughing so hard that I had to leave the room :pound: I have tears rolling down my face :pound:

    :brick: :rofl:
    :doh: I did it again :brick: :rofl:

    It looks like the laughing guy is sh!tting a brick!
    :pound: :pound:

    The countdown is at 7 days... I can't wait to see :baby:
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