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  • I just want you to know that if YOU keep playing the games then I keep playing the games and I will never get my taxes done!!!! :rofl: I have to blame it on someone! :boink:
    YeHaa for days off!!!! Me, I am avoiding doing my taxes which are sitting in front of me. Maybe that is what I will do today. But that is what I have been saying EVERY day since January!!! WHAA!!!!!!!!!!!! Wish me luck! :lol:
    Looks like you were up late last night, lady! :)
    No rain yet but starting tomorrow and will last thru the weekend. That's ok with me as long as the temps stay warm.
    Have a great day. :wavey:
    Good morning!!! :coffee::wavey::hug:This the time I wake up for work . I hope you have a great day. I am off tomorrow hopefully i can play with you tonight.:)
    Very good!! sorry I have to go I have a phone call. Hope fully we will chat soon.
    Hi Daisy, I am going out Friday evening. Saturday I have to have an emission test on ny car.:argh: Sunday, I go over to my Grandmothers' to visit her. She likes to cook for me.:hungry: and I enjoy the attention.:boogy:
    I am sorry you didn't go skating hopefully you will go this weekend.:):yesnod:
    hi daisy, i hope you are having a good day skating. it is raining in chicago today. it is suppose to rain all week.:argh::rant:
    Good afternoon daisy :teeth:

    The :hugs: was my pleasure :blushing:

    Have a great Sunday :wave:
    All is well here, Thanks for asking..weather has been great again, already have mowed my lawn for the second time this year:whoo:, getting my chores done before I take off fishing from the 11th thru the 14th :woot:.......will keep in touch :hugs::wavey: HAVE FUN
    Hi Daisy, I got alot done. I enjoyed the warm weather yesterday. It is going to rain today and the rest of the week.:argh::nonod:I only work four days this week. I took my last random day for Friday.:boogy:I hope you and the girls get out today. I think you said you were going skating. Have fun .:)
    Hi Daisy, I hope you had a good day. The weather was beautiful today a whopping 50 degrees!!! :clap::):boogy:
    No, I hhave alot of errands saturday. I am busy all day Sunday. I thought i would be able to do taxes, but I have to do that next week. :nonod::)
    work is good , thanks for asking.How are the girls? Do you work this weekend?
    Hi daisy, I hope you are enjoying the weather yourself.:lol::boogy:
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