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  • ok, you...time to say good night! Sorry we all miss an hour tomorrow, but we still have 23 more to make the best of! Sweet dreams. Catch ya in the morning! :goodnight:
    My time is gone :rapture: time to say :goodnight::seeya: Thanks for playing with me.:):yesnod:
    My time is all but gone . I am getting sleepy again. :rapture::goodnight:I hope you can get some sleep tonight. Thanks for a fun evening.:)
    :nonod:No, I pick my schedule and it has school trips in it. I don't pick them up all the time. I have work out of two garages. One on the southside .one on the northside. i like the north better. I work on the southside because it is closer to home.:yesnod:
    :nonod:no ,just a lot of high schoolers. Too much noise:argh: They are either laughing, cursing, or playing loud music.:rant:
    Its always busy. I pick up teenagers all day. I have school trips in my schedule. Too much noise. I had a teen get on the bus with a senior pass.:yesnod: I wonder:thinking:if the parent gives it to them or do they take it.:nonod:
    I am pretty sure you did. I would have loved to hear that. You should post it as a joke. If it isn't too graffic.:):yesnod::thinking:
    Come on over!!! Sound like an interesting night for you. Sometimes I think hanging out with young people is better!!! :pound::shhh:
    yes. I am going to walk in the mall in the morning. I have to run some errands. I am debating if I want to do the emissions test tomorrow or Saturday. I will probably hang out with friends that eveing. :boogy::yesnod:
    Sounds like fun. I was washing clothes. I was getting a jump on weekend chores. I fell asleep. I just woke up about 10 minutes ago. I didn't realize how tired I was.:zzz::yesnod:
    Sorry, my gaming buddy. I have to bail on you. Munching on my cheese and crackers and heading away from the computer. Nighty night! :goodnight:
    I'm done!!!! :clap: Playing Spider Solitaire, that is! :lol: Yup, procrastinating at it's best! Can't start them now...it's time for lunch! :eating: Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow....
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