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  • There you go, creddy! I am SO proud of you!!! You are too funny!
    How you doing? Glad to have you with us! :loving: Apple
    :wave: Hey, what's up, don't you want to be my friend :noidea:

    If you don't I will just :bawling:

    Please click on "view conversation" before responding to this message :rofl::pound:

    rofff roffff :dog:
    I know it wasn't me so I don't know what you are talking about.
    Just back here to say I think you and I are the only ones here tonight. AND.. you posted on YOUR own page again! Silly! :)
    LOL, its okay i was just making a point to let her know not to let people bother her... I don't think it was you it was like a week ago..
    And there you go!
    I don't always think to rate a post although I do always try to thank the poster. I simply FORGET. Sorry. :rant:
    Hey, creddy. Just read YOUR post on YOUR page! (I do that too often myself :)). If that is the case, just let me go back thru your great posts and make them a 5 star. You deserve it, my friend! :loving:
    oh come on. don't let some moron ruin your fun!! there are alot of jerks on here but there are more nicer ones that out weight them!
    Someone is always giving my posts a one star meaning terrible and i just try to ignore it, lol. they use to follow me around on every freebie post i made putting a bad mark on it..
    I guess I should say... I am not coming here so much anymore. I will rep/hug people but not hang around like I use to.
    I am no longer coming here... please have fun and keep the animial thread running!

    Thank you


    Thank you for accepting my friend request :yesnod: thank you for playing the Rep Game :yesnod: and thanks for the sweet rep! :yesnod:

    It looks like you understand how to play. It is easy & fun :yesnod:

    :doh: I cannot rep anymore tonight but will definitely rep ya back when I am able to :yesnod:

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