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  • Hi, Creddy. Wishing you and your family a very blessed Thanksgiving. And thanks again for the tickets. We had a BLAST!!! Apple
    Hi Creddy! :wave: I wanted to thank you for your Sprint/NFL ticket post a ways back. I had the tix delivered Thursday UPS Express and will be going to the Patriot's game this afternoon against the Jets! Thanks for all you do here for us! :loving: Apple
    Well, I hope you feel better. It sure was a lot more fun around here when you felt better :sad:
    :nonod: That sucks. I used to get that every year ( bronchitis) I hope it doesn't last long :smiley:
    :nurse: I see that you are sick, so I wanted to bring you :flowers:

    :smiley: I hope you feel better :hugs:
    Great posting on all the research you do for the upcoming ads, creddy. I appreciate your efforts!:clap: Apple:loving:
    My grand:baby: is 13 months now but he only moved in with me 3 weeks ago. My babies are 20 & 22 wow I am getting old :faint:
    I am concerned about you... are you feeling ok? :eek:

    Today's Top Poster(s): creddybears (19) :confused:

    :pound: :lol: :rofl:
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