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  • where are you :questionmark:
    I wish you could have unlimited storage...
    or at least a reasonable amount like maybe 1500 instead of only 500 total :rofl:
    :director: I tried to PM you and got this message...

    :director: callmeCrazyButt has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space.

    :noidea: I don't know if I signed up a long time ago and then did again:doh: How did you look it up? I think I might be dbee113, I can't remember....:confused: I will have to check my cheat sheet later :rofl:
    Well, lets see...trying to transform my garage into a Rec room/Exercise room with tools and workbench on one side and exercise and ping pong table on the other( with no room in between...Yard and garden work, and recently took a vacation to Myrtle Beach, SC.
    Wanted to see what the big deal was about it...guess i'm not a beach person, cause i didnt find out, lol...and the rest of the time, just your basic summer stuff to do. So there....
    So, what are you doing nowadays? As you can tell, i dont get on here too much anymore...theres been a lot of stupid floating around here and i didnt want to get hit by
    I signed up yesterday, I'm not really sure how it all works but I did put one picture on :noidea:
    Doesn't that suck! I know that others have done the same, but just left without making a statement. :sad:
    Hi hunny!! yup I am an insomniac half the time so ya never know when I am gonna be on here...

    Nice to see you!! How have things been with you ?? :)
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