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  • I'll be away for a little while, You are welcome to come along.....:bandit: Mexico

    :eek: I hate spiders, where did he come from......tell him to leave :scared:
    Yeah, I can only imagine how hard it would be to reach your sarcasm switch way up in that donk donk. :rofl: I didn't know you bumped your head. I just knew you fell on your keester.
    I don't know anything at all about doors...maybe you can elaborate??? btw, got your card. thank you! :hug: (no sarcasm in the last comment on my message...notice that donkdonk??).
    Hi, I have not seen Sherlock Holmes at the movies yet. The reviews are good. I just watch all 12 old Sherlock Holmes films on TCM. It was good.
    Merry Christmas

    :cheers::santaclaus::kiss: Merry Christmas! thanks for all the hugs! all the best to you and your family!
    That's because I'm not me over here. I'm flooby. :lol: My surgery pains are completely gone...along with most of the swelling in my abdomen! Thank goodness. :teeth: I still have some pain in my joints, but I go back to the rheumatologist 1/14, so it'll be addressed then. I'm still on steroids for that...but I am anxious to get off of them. I hate the side effects and have been on them way too long for my liking. How are your poopsicles? mmmmmm. :puke:
    Oh where, oh where has my butty gone. Oh where, oh where could she be :unsure:
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