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  • I understand how you feel - it gets better and more weird too! lol For the last 2 seasons, every week when it was over my husband would say "I hate this show." lol Because of all the twists and turns it always leaves you hanging. I am SOOO curious to know how they will tie it all together - and then I want to watch it again from the beginning so I can be like "oh, so that was what that was...." It is the only series we have watched from the beginning and stuck with! I am torn between Jack and Sawyer and then once you get into it Sayid starts looking pretty hunky too!
    I here that congratulations are in order.....Welcome LOST Sister! :woot: Now you can be driven crazy on a weekly basis like the rest of us trying to figure out what in the heck this island is all about....while gazing at Jack, Sawyer, etc.......lol ;)
    I'm so glad you're hooked on LOST. It shouldn't take you that long to get caught up. The new ones won't be on for a while yet.
    Thanks for thinking of me. The walk was amazing. I'm still tired and sore, but I'm glad I did it. I'll be posting tons of pictures on MySpace probably tomorrow so make sure you check em out.
    Hey bluesky!:)I am doing good. Just getting used to the back to school routine. What grade is Michael in this year?
    HI! So glad you dropped me a line. We all miss you around here! How is the schooling going? Kad started pre-K this year and it has been emotional for me. But he really needed the interaction with kids his own age. We are doing great storm wise. Fay was supposed to drop all kinds of havoc here and didnt. I was totally prepared. My husband saw the bags by the door and asked me if we were moving. I said, hey I have the time to prepare you better believe I have everything we all need. lol My Mama always said better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it! Stop by more often ok? And have a GREAT week! :hug:
    Well hello, Blue!!
    Are you planning on staying for a bit??
    The site isn't the same w/o you and our crazy antics. ;) LOL
    Blue where are you????? Summer is over - school is in - time to get posting again! We miss you! :hug:
    Good to hear from you Blue! We have been busy too - who isnt during summer? We have been on 2 trips already and one more in August. The beach is great - it wants you to come and see it. ;)
    I got in the pool today, for about 10 minutes. It's cooled down quite a bit lately...especially at night. I am destined to get in there tomorrow though. I'm glad you are having a fun summer....I just wish you were around more. :(
    I'm glad you still like the necklace. ;)
    Hi Blue! Just stoppin by to see how you are! Havent seen you around these parts lately.....hope all is well! :hug:
    Just posting a quick hello to you from me and Jeb Stuart! Thanks for the invite and sending my best wishes to you and yours for a healthy and happy summer! Hugs from ole Rags and Jeb
    Hi Blue. Thanks so much for your sweet comments. I love my boys so much! Of course your avatar is all cutesy too. I feel the love when I see you and your hubby. ;)
    :wave: Thanks--my Mother's Day was wonderful(now I wish I could just get over my sinus infection)! :verysad: LOL Have a great Monday! :rose:
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