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  • Thanks, you have a great weekend also (what's left of it) :cheer2:

    :bawling:Did I mention that I have shoes older then you? :y:
    I am glad you had a great Christmas. I agree about the shopping - I find such great deals - hubby is SO impressed! But he doesnt do too bad himself. He always gets me a couple of "Surprises" and then lets me shop the after sales to my hearts content until his wallet hurts. LOL. We had 2 Christmas' ours here at home and then we flew up to Ohio to see my parents. We were there on Christmas day so "Santa" had to leave some presents there for the kids. We had a good time - but we were so tired. I am glad things are getting back to normal!
    Thanks for the avatar comment - do you have any requests? :wink:
    BLUE! Hi! :wave: How was your Christmas and New Years? Did :santaclaus: bring you everything you wanted?
    Thank you so much Blue for the well wishes! I appreciate the same! Been a busy day with my morning workout, shopping/banking/chores and now...out to dinner!! WHAHOOO bring on the wine and the naked dancing men! LOL It is so wonderful to still be thirty-nine!! LOL LOL
    Glad the political forum is gone...it was getting brutaL I guess people are passionate on some things, but, sheesh don't be a donkey's back side in the process! Anyway, we will suffer through the next year years, and, hope that the Rep. Party can regroup. Time for me to run for President! LOL LOL Come by and visit me soon! Hugs, Rags and Jeb who has new monkey toy! OY!!
    I've got two kids. My son, Luc, will be 5 on Monday. My daughter, Noelle, will turn 3 in February. Can you tell my photos are a bit dated???? I need to get some new ones posted. Thanks for the sweet comments. :)
    Hugs are good any time!! I would give you one back, but, don't know how to put a smiley thing up on the message :( I am steering clear of the political forum, and, will visit other fun places! LOL Hope all is well with you and yours! Rags and Jeb
    Hi Bluesky! I'm good, but I would be better if McCain were going to the White House. I kind of thought it would turn out like this, but was hoping just maybe it wouldn't. Oh well, can't say we didn't try, right? I was sorry to hear about your friend, too. I'll see you soon, God willing!
    Yes, I agree, it seems NC is split and it is disappointing to see elected officials that have low to no morals. Thanks for stopping by - Bro. Ron <><
    Hi blue!
    Well, i was doing ok up until i saw the election results...LOL
    Thanks for stopping by...
    Hi Blue! SO good to hear from you! My b-day was probably THE busiest one I have ever had...running here...doing that....etc. But it was good. Carved pumpkins with Kadin and then hubby made one of my favorite dinners. They had a party for me the night before at church so that was fun too! My hubby bought me some things I have been wanting, plus Christmas decorations I am feigning for! But I am actually getting my real present tomorrow.....tee hee
    I can't beleive I missed Trunk or Treat! I'd like to come to the Christmas party, do you have any idea when or where it will be?
    Hey Blue!! :hug:
    It's not bad yet. We are supposed to get snow tomorrow though. Of course it won't stick, but snow already??? I need to move. Got room for me yet?? ;)
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