Target Discounted Gift Cards for 12%

Posted 16 hours ago
Target Discounted Gift Cards for 12%
Jennifer Miller
By Jennifer Miller


CardBear is offering 12% off Target Gift Card.

Update : now down from 15% to 12%. Still a good deal.

Step 1
Go to CardBear Offer and you will see the 12% off gift cards

Step 2
We were able to add the gift card onto our Target Account
We recommend doing this so you can use this Target gift card in-stores and even at the self checkout line


GCX is offering 15.1% currently


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Melone - 20 hours ago
I bought a few and loaded them into my Target app. Raise or GCX offers a 90-day guarantee so just make sure you use it in the next 3 months. Another trick is to just buy something and return it then you get a fresh gift card that no one has the card numbers to.