Surfshark is a known VPN provider. By using Rakuten, you can get Surfshark VPN for 2 years for free! Please follow these steps.
- Cash Back is only available for new Surfshark customers on first purchase.
- Limited to one per member
Regular Price is $55.72
Step 1If you don't have a Rakuten Account yet,
sign up at Rakuten first for freeStep 2Go to the Surfshark Offer and you should see the 100% Cash back offer
Step 3Click
"Shop Without Adding"
Step 4Click "Get Surfshark"
Step 5Choose the "Surfshark Starter" for 24 months
Step 6Checkout
Step 7If you don't see your cash back post on Rakuten, you can cancel Surfshark within 30-days
Step 8After you get your 100% cashback from Rakuten,
Go to Surfshark Account to make sure your subscription does not auto-renew UNLESS you plan to continue using Surfshark
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