Sony PlayStation 5 Disc Console System with $100 Dell Gift Card for $499.99 Shipped

Next best price on Google is $499

Posted on Oct 09th 2023
Sony PlayStation 5 Disc Console System with $100 Dell Gift Card for $499.99 Shipped
Emma Johnson
By Emma Johnson


Sony PlayStation 5 Disc Console System with $100 Dell Gift Card for $499.99 Shipped

Dell is offering the Sony PlayStation 5 - Game console - 8K - HDR - 825 GB SSD - white WITH a $100 Dell Promo eGift Card for $499.99. It's like buying the PS5 System for $399.99.

Regular Price is $499.99 without the $100 Gift Card

1. Dell Price is $499.99

2. You will see a $100 Dell Promo eGift Card in your cart

Final Price is $499.99 Shipped

Bonus Tip - If you have an Amex, Amex may offer a $50 credit on Dell purchases

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