Possible Free Nuby Twista Rattle Teether Toy, Turtle Tambourine Bath Toy, Earmuffs

Posted on May 01st 2024
By glitterdog


We are looking for parents & their child to trial Nuby's Twista Rattle Teether Toy, Turtle Tambourine Bath Toy or Soft Sounds Baby EarMuffs!
If you are interested in either item, please fill out the form below.

You will receive one of the two items listed. Nuby will be selecting 100 participants total (at random). If you are selected to participate you will receive an email from a Nuby Team Member in the upcoming days. Participants will be asked to try one of the products with their child, post a photo of their adorable child with the item in use on their social media account(s) and post a review for the product on a retailer site! All items will be shipped to all participants from Nuby. Participants will be selected at random and contacted via email no later than 5.10. US residents only. Participants will never be asked to click a link to claim item

www.surveymonkey.com/r/B7JZ6P8? An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later.