Ikea $25 Off Coupon

Posted on Feb 16th 2024
Ikea $25 Off Coupon
Emma Johnson
By Emma Johnson


IKEA is offering a printable coupon good for $25 off $250.

Note : As of February 1st, 2024, Ikea no longer gives 5% off to family members making this coupon a good deal.

How to Get Your $25 Off Coupon

Step 1
Go to Ikea

Step 2
Click on the "Sign up & Save $25 (Restriction Apply)"

Step 3
Login and enter a "move-in date" near the date you want to go shopping

Step 4
A $25 off $250 coupon will be emailed to you within 48 hours

Step 5
You can print multiple coupons and break up your purchases and use multiple coupons
For example, if you are planning to buy a sofa that's $600, you can buy the cushion portion using the $25 off coupon and then purchase the frame with another $25 off coupon.

Ikea Locator
How to get another 21.4% off everything at IKEA

CardBear sells discounted IKEA gift cards. You can buy those discounted gift cards to use on top of this purchase to save even more.

  1. Go to CardBear
  2. Look for the highest discount
  3. Wait for the discounted gift card to arrive
  4. During checkout, use the gift cards to pay

Comment on this deal

Guest - Login
Guest #2153 - 4 years ago
Guest #2152 - 4 years ago
How about a coupon for 2020 instead of 2019
Guest #2151 - 4 years ago
Why do you keep posting expired coupons. this has been on here for months?
Guest #2150 - 5 years ago
Different state has different coupon code. That coupon only works for CA I guess
Guest #2149 - 5 years ago
Don’t bother in Columbus, Ohio. They rather enjoyed bringing out management to loudly embarrass my family saying they don’t take this coupon and that I had been scammed. Obviously logical reasoning and explanation fell swiftly on their deaf ears
Guest #2148 - 5 years ago
Work perfectly fine in Emeryville California thanks
Guest #2147 - 5 years ago
This may only work in Canton, Michigan, but minimum is $150... https://m2.ikea.com/us/en/files/pdf/8b/e7/8be75752/btc_coupon.pdf
Guest #2146 - 5 years ago
10% (or less depending on what you spend over $250) is a hot deal? This is luke warm at best.
Guest #2145 - 6 years ago
and go to the IKEA website and join the IKEA Family for additional coupon discounts
Guest #2144 - 6 years ago
anyone got the same coupons for April month? Please post PDF
Guest #2143 - 6 years ago
do you have the birthday coupon for March? Please share it. Thanks.