How to Get 20% Off Discount at Lowes Home Improvement

Posted on Feb 11th 2023
How to Get 20% Off Discount at Lowes Home Improvement
Emma Johnson
By Emma Johnson


CardBear is offering Lowe's home improvement projects gift cards for 12% off. You can also combine this with Lowe's 10% off coupon making the discount more like a total of 20% off.

The coupon has a few restrictions like you can't use it on installations and gift cards.
This means you can get 20% off on appliances, paint, new bathroom, you name it.

Step 1
Go to CardBear to buy Lowe's gift cards for 12% off
* EJGiftCards is a reliable company. Payment has to be done by Zelle

Step 2
Go to HUgeOff to buy a 10% off Lowe's coupon

Step 3
Go to your local Lowes and use both the 10% off coupon and the gift card

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Guest #8587 - 4 years ago
1st purchase i have up to 30 days to use my card for my first purchase?
Guest #8586 - 4 years ago
got some from ejcgiftcards and they ahve a code KKQWYIQVC3 giving 12% off additional till the 28th.
Guest #8585 - 4 years ago
Lowe's employees are getting 20% off this week, make a friend working @ Lowes til the 13th of December and you will get the employee discount. :)
Guest #8584 - 4 years ago
Or open a new Lowe's card and get 20% off.
Guest #8583 - 4 years ago
$100.00 gift card was not $90 as advertised. It was full price.
Guest #8582 - 4 years ago
Not $90 as stated. They were full price of $100.00.
Guest #8581 - 4 years ago
Not a good deal if it’s sold out..
Guest #8579 - 4 years ago
Does the 10% coupon applies to sale items?
Guest #8578 - 4 years ago
can a lowes employee also use the egift 10% off gift card as well as their employee 10% discount?
Guest #8577 - 4 years ago
Promo code expired.
Guest #8575 - 4 years ago
Can u use a 10% off coupon on a discontinued or clearance item ?
Guest #8574 - 5 years ago
9.1 10 does not equal 20% off.
Guest #8573 - 5 years ago
How can I get online coupons for Lowes?
Guest #8572 - 5 years ago
If you are military you can get 10% off. Or you get a change of address pack from the post office and they may have a 10% off in it for free.
Guest #8571 - 5 years ago
I have a lows $30 off from any $50 to $599 purchased using my Lowes credit card.also have a Military discount,however these 2 can't be use with any sale item,i went this week to buy a dewalt drill for may son's birthday.the credit card code is to be use for any iten,yet manager told me the computer is set like this.she could not do any thing.also my daughter inlaw wor at lows,and told be the stores have a new CEO that is changing many rules at lows,so with give me a coupon.
Spoofee - 5 years ago!
Lowe's Terms and Conditions
Limit 3 Per Buyer
This is not a credit/debit card and has no implied warranties. This Gift Card is not redeemable for cash unless required by law and cannot be used to make payments on any charge account. Lowe’s® reserves the right to deactivate or reject any Gift Card issued or procured, directly or indirectly, in connection with fraudulent actions, unless prohibited by law. Lost or stolen Gift Cards can only be replaced upon presentation of original sales receipt for any remaining balance. It will be void if altered or defaced. To check your Lowe’s® Gift Card balance, visit, call 1-800-560-7172 or see the Customer Service Desk in any Lowe’s® store. ©2019 Lowe’s, LOWE’S and the Gable Mansard Design are registered trademarks of LF, LLC.
Guest #8569 - 5 years ago
The 10% off online only instant issue lowes coupon codes from ebay have always worked for me. Coupled with a 10% off gift card I have always gotten the full 20% off, minus the $1 - $2 the ebay code cost. You can even get 1% more if you sktart the whole purchase process by first logging in at mr. Rebates or Rakuten to get to the Lowes site.
Guest #8568 - 5 years ago
You know the 10% off ebay coupons are bogus and Lowe's has instructed their employees not to honor them right?
spydo3x - 5 years ago
A Spoofster
Active military and retirees get 10% off everyday at Homedepot.

ANY veteran gets 10%,not just active/retired
Guest #8566 - 5 years ago
can u use the coupon for 10 and the card for 10 and the military discount for 10 = 30% ?
Guest #8565 - 5 years ago
Bought a new toilet at Lowes Tarentum yesterday. As a vet I expected 10% at checkout. I received $.64 cents. I was told that their is a no stacking rule since September that looks at current retail discount on item and calculates the discount from retail and compared with the additional 10%. You get the difference. This was automatically calculated at the register. The 10% veteran discount is no longer true.
Very disappointed.
Guest #8563 - 5 years ago
Speaking of math, in the Guest comment about spending $100 with a 10% discount and a 10% coupon you only got a 10% discount on that $100 transaction and you are left with $10 gift card balance. So you lose the card, don't use it or what ever, you got a 10% discount. Now lets say now you buy something for $10 balance next time - now no 10% discount coupon. So your discount over two purchases is 18.2%. You will always be less than a 20% discount unless you spend about $112 in one transaction- oh and that is also a hair under 20% - but hey rounding. Oh yeah and you paid money to buy a coupon - gotta factor that in and well that changes things also.
Guest #8562 - 5 years ago
The card bear gift cards are only 5% off now making it 15% off total. Still a good deal
Guest #8561 - 5 years ago
Has this deal stopped working?
Guest #8560 - 5 years ago
Theres a website that generates Lowes codes for free. I use several $20 off of $100 all the time, no problems. Order online get my mypoints then go pick up the order when its ready. Same with home depot! If you really want to save $$$ you'll figure it out.
Guest #8559 - 5 years ago
Do not buy or use an ebay discount for lowe's. Lowe's has stated that they will not honor any discount that doesn't come directly from them.
Guest #8558 - 5 years ago
ebay coupons come back already used and Lowes wont honor them because they weren't issued by Lowes.
Guest #8557 - 5 years ago
Egifter says that the LOWES5 promo code is no longer valid. I waited too long, dangit. A few days ago, I read their fine print and it said 'while supplies last.'
Guest #8556 - 5 years ago
Has this ended? I don't see a 'promotions' section in my cart.
Guest #8555 - 5 years ago
Is the promo no longer working? I do not see a 'Promotions' section in my cart.
Guest #8554 - 5 years ago
Anyone that is too stupid to realize it is actually 20% off should just pay full price. Same goes for the idiots that think they're stacking coupons, just pay full price. The Lowes employee that commented below should stay off the register because he/she is lacking common sense.
Guest #8553 - 5 years ago
UGH at the people saying the math is wrong! (Regardless of whether or not the coupons/deals are working)... Ok to the folks saying the 20% off math is wrong, it is isn't. It is simple, the math some of you are using to get 19%, or whatever else, would be correct *IF* lowes was stacking the (2) 10% discounts. That is not the case... The reason 20% IS correct is because, you get 10% off when buying a $100 gift card ($90), and if you get a coupon for 10% off, then take both to Lowe's and make a purchase of $100, Lowe's does not know you only spent $90 to buy the gift card, they only see a total of $100 and a coupon for 10% off, again, 10% of $100 is $90... It is NOT 10% off of $90!! Again, Lowe's isn't taking 10% off of a $90 purchase, they are taking 10% off of a $100 purchase... SHEESH, so for those people that got onto Emma about HER math, LMAO, it's not her math that is screwed up.. just sayin
Guest #8552 - 5 years ago
scam - seems to be working then when you get to payment tells you the lowes promo has ended, despite notices on the site saying ends 6/12/19 (in 5 days)
Guest #8551 - 5 years ago
The LOWES5 Promo code at eGifter says invalid. Is there another promo code?
Guest #8550 - 5 years ago
Not working, Order keeps being cancelled siting security concerns.
Spoofee - 5 years ago!
In your cart, there is a "Promotions" section on the bottom
Guest #8548 - 5 years ago
not working... must have ended
no place to put the promocode
Guest #8547 - 5 years ago
This actually would be 15% off original price.
Guest #8546 - 5 years ago
It says go to eBay on the gift card link, but link takes you to Staples and charges you full price.
Guest #8545 - 5 years ago
Thanks Emma, Just in time for my new storm door.
Spoofee - 6 years ago!
Back in stock
Guest #8541 - 6 years ago
limit is 2 $100 gift cards.......yeah that's a new bathroom LOL. Good deal but way over stated in what you can do with it. New Appliances, yeah a toaster. Thanks for the info though. I can get enough Cat 6 cable to wire my house.
Guest #8539 - 6 years ago
Home depot is so much better