Nothing On the Market Like This!
An exclusive Pacesetter Product! The Mask Perch helps avoid mask contamination with surfaces by elevating your mask away from commonly touched surfaces to help reduce the spread of germs.
Select from 8 styles and a variety of material options. Adhere the Mask Perch to computer monitors, shelves, a car dashboard and more!
VIEW ALL MASK PERCH PRODUCTS - List Price Range: $.95-$3.82 EACH (R)
- Minimum Order Quantity: 100 PIECES
- Production Time: 5-10 Business Days After Art Approval
- Individually Poly Bagged
- Includes Strong Removable Adhesive with Service Temperature of -25 TO 150 Degrees.
- Multiple Size Options
- Available in Acrylic, Wood and Acrylic Mirror
- Custome Shapes, Call For Quote
- Two Free Random Samples (SHIPPER NUMBER REQUIRED). For additional samples, please contact your rep to place an order.
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