AMC Theatres is offering a large popcorn for free for their shareholders
Step 1Go to AMC and click "Join Now"
Step 2When creating an account
* Are you an AMC stockholder? click 'Yes'
If you already have an account
* Go to your Profile
* Click the box next to 'I am an AMC stockholder'
Step 3The popcorn offer will be added to your AMC Stubs account within 3 days
Step 4Scan your virtual card to receive the discount in person or place a mobile order for a large popcorn via the AMC Theatres mobile app
Also take a look at other Freebies going on Right Now
How to get another 24% off everything at AMC
CardBear sells discounted AMC gift cards. You can buy those discounted gift cards to use on top of this purchase to save even more.
- Go to CardBear
- Look for the highest discount
- Wait for the discounted gift card to arrive
- During checkout, use the gift cards to pay