Xbox 360 - Web Locations In Stock

Yow! $700! Not complaining, mind you.. just saying thats a lot of cake.
Hey all.. I stopped at Target this morning to grab a few odds and ends and also grabbed an xbox 360 (premium - $399.99 one). They got 6 in this morning.
Umm, just because someone plays video games, and wants the newest nextgen model, or wants to give it as a gift, it doesnt mean they dont have a real life. Maybe they sit around all day and do nothing but play games, but if someone can go to target all by himself, and just casually pick one up, this person probably has a job and has other more important things to do than just play games. But theres absolutely nothing wrong with playng a game here and there to relax and have fun. Or when your friends come over. I almost never play my xbox or dreamcast, but when I have company we duke it out.

Anyway, I guess my point is dont think you someone when you only know one aspect of their life. And just because something doesnt appeal to you doesnt mean it isnt a worthwhile pass-time for anyone else.
LiveSquid said:
Umm, just because someone plays video games, and wants the newest nextgen model, or wants to give it as a gift, it doesnt mean they dont have a real life. Maybe they sit around all day and do nothing but play games, but if someone can go to target all by himself, and just casually pick one up, this person probably has a job and has other more important things to do than just play games. But theres absolutely nothing wrong with playng a game here and there to relax and have fun. Or when your friends come over. I almost never play my xbox or dreamcast, but when I have company we duke it out.

Anyway, I guess my point is dont think you someone when you only know one aspect of their life. And just because something doesnt appeal to you doesnt mean it isnt a worthwhile pass-time for anyone else.

:claps: :claps: :claps:
I managed to buy an XBox 360 Premium system at Target in Woodland Hills, CA on Sunday, Jan. 22nd. They just stocked 4 Premium units and 2 Core units that morning and I got the first one of this shipment. I didn't call around and I didn't check any other stores in person. The sales clerk at Target said customers have stopped calling to check on inventory because they have just given up at this point. FYI, my system definitely does not overheat, crash, or suffer from any defects of any kind.
I wonder if waiting for the PS3 might be worth the wait. I have been a PS person since day one so waiting is key.
waverider said:
I wonder if waiting for the PS3 might be worth the wait. I have been a PS person since day one so waiting is key.

If youve always had PSes, Id wait for the PS3. Not only will the controls be familliar to you, but it will likely be backwards compatible with the PS2 and maybe even the PS1. That would make a big difference to me. You wont have to start over on your game collection.
BigJules27 said:
Bored, Bored, Bored.

Get a real life.

FYI, my brother in law sits around playing video games all day and makes 75,000 a year doing it. He's an animator for EA games. I'd call that a pretty good life.
I wouldnt like that, I dont think. Its like being a chef. I dont like cooking on my off time very much. I can only imagine that video games stop being very fun when you play them all day every day because you HAVE to..
Very true Livesquid, I used to play CS a lot and joined a competitive online gaming league, CAL. My clan had matches with other clans about twice a week and it started to affect my grades. They pressured me to play because if they didn't have 5 people for a match it would count as a forfeit. Then I felt I was obligated to play a game and it quickly became boring. What used to be 45 minutes of adrenaline and suspense actually became a chore to go through. So I quit the clan while we were doing quite well on the league ladder, but after I quit the clan went downhill...

Bottom line is, we're all a bunch of lazy bums that don't like to do what we have to do.
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Costco has XBox 360s for about $500 which includes 2 controllers 1 game and the xbox live stuff (headset, harddrive, etc.)
Xbox @ Costco

Just went to Costco today. They had the Xbox 360 for $489. This is the premium package with all the goodies. This is not the basic system. They had tons of them at the Las Vegas store that i went to. Limit 1 per person if that means anything.